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The workhorses, leadouts, windbreakers and unsung heroes. What is a domestique? No, they're not househusbands. They are the riders on a cycling squad whose job it is to get their leader across the line first and hopefully to the podium.
Occasionally, a time comes where a domestique will get out on a break and take a win for himself. Since most domestique's are not a threat to the overall leader, they sometimes get to take the glory of a stage win. George Hincapie was just this person two days ago in the Tour De France.

George was able to get out with a lead group in one of the final climbs and then put the hurt on the last guy with him to take the stage win. You're saying, "so what"? This is George's first win EVER as a domestique for Lance Armstrong and a first for ANY of his teammates in the last seven Tours.

While Lance will win the Tour, it's great to see someone like George win one for the rest of us.

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